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Marriage, Civil Unions, Domestic Partnerships, Child Custody, Parenting Time, Divorce

When relationships between partners or spouses become strained and the union cannot be saved, divorce is the option of last resort. And with divorce comes tough decisions as to how families with children will handle their affairs and the continued raising of young children.  Custody concerns and the sharing of time with their children often leaves the respective parents at an impasse.


Facilitative Mediation is a great option for families going through difficult times, changes and break-ups.  An agreement can be reached quickly where court dockets and delays are not as efficient or comfortable.  And the earlier the mediation process can begin the better, as parties tend to become more settled in their positions and viewpoints the longer things weigh out...courts recognize the value in mediation, and it is becoming standard procedure for them to refer domestic matters to mediation in the early stages of a case.


Facilitative Mediation is becoming more popular as a means to help parties reach a written agreement as to how they will perform and abide when resolving a civil dispute.  Today courts themselves commonly refer parties to mediation as an option in small claims cases and beyond.  And the cost savings to all is significant.  Only when parties cannot reach an agreement do they end up back in court.

Debtor-Creditor, Neighbors, Landlord-Tenant, Business


Medicare, Medicaid, Long-term Care, Estate and Asset Protection and Planning, Probate, Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Guardianships, Conservatorships, Advance Directives, Caregiver Duties and Conflicts

Planning for those years we traditionally think of when we think of retirement.  Caring for the needs of our elderly family members is key here, and families are never too young to start planning.


Whether our loved ones are taken care of by professionals in long-term care facilities or cared for at home by family members, disagreements over how that care should be given can and do arise.  And when differences begin to interfere with how a family interacts and functions, often Facilitative Mediation helps them sort it out and quickly and comfortably reach an agreement as to how to carry-on.


As I personally provided care for both of my elderly parents, one afflicted with Alzheimer's Disease and the other with Cancer, I know how important planning for these events and times is...and what to expect or to be concerned with and how to go about clearing a path toward harmony and family unity.









Schools and School Districts and families of students with Special Needs challenges find Special Education Mediators and Restorative Justice Facilitators and Specialists trained by the Michigan Special Education Mediation Services (SEMS) Program and Resolution Services Center of Central Michigan (RSCCM) offices, respectively, to be highly valuable in helping the parties to resolve differences that often develop in education circles.


Sonnenberg Law Offices, PLLC's Mediation Services uses facilitative mediation techniques to mediate Special Education disputes and Restorative Justice techniques where collaboration and peace-making are appropriate means through which to help parties reach resolution.  Some cases with no confidentiality concerns may be conducted through facilitation rather than mediation, and it is to a party's advantage to have the experience of Sonnenberg Law representation in these sessions as well.


Whether the school is struggling with reaching middle ground when designing an Individualized Education Program with a Special Needs family, or a local School District is in need of updating its method of handling internal disputes - between student and faculty, faculty member and faculty member or between students - Mediation or Restorative Justice can be the answer.


And, today's businesses also find great value in both processes, whether it be a for-profit or non-profit, when dealing with Boards of Directors' challenges or internal corporate disputes.




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